Garden Design - Návrh a projekt rodinného domu včetně realizace a designu interiéru - Czech Prague Architects - Free Architects
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Garden Design

We design magical little and large gardens

We usually think of a garden as something outside our window that requires constant attention. In reality though, it is our house that is a guest in the garden.

And in the end, a well-designed garden can look after you. You can draw strength from it. In each season a garden can provide you with a different type of energy and help regulate the natural elements around your house. We pay attention to garden detail, discover the unique features of each parcel of land and design gardens within this context. Not houses first and gardens later, but houses in gardens. This approach includes all the little details, like bowers, fences, supporting walls, small ponds, sun decks and footpaths. Create a world outside your windows that you want to touch.

Would you like to cooperate with us? Contact us on Facebook, telephone +420 603 298 488, or e-mail:


Would you like to cooperate with us? Contact us on Facebook, telephone +420 733 546 097, or e-mail: office(at)architects(dot)cz.
